This Coming Week
| Monday |
| The Monday Life Group meets in the Snug at 7pm. All welcome. |
| Tuesday |
| Our Prayer Meeting takes place in the Snug from 10am - 11am. |
| The Tuesday Life Group meets in the Snug at 11.15am. |
| Wednesday |
| The Men's Group will be a walk, followed by a visit to a coffee shop. Please meet at the church at 10am. |
| The Friendship Zone is held in the Snug from 10am - 12 noon. All welcome to come along for a cuppa and chat, or to play games. | |
| The Wednesday Life Group meets in the home of Paul & Linda at 5.30pm. |
| Thursday |
| The Well-Being Art Group takes place in the Golden Square Community Hub from 10am - 12 noon. All welcome. |
| The Alpha Course meets in the Hub at 6.45pm for those who would like to explore the Christian Faith. | |
| Next Sunday | Our Pastor, John Hodgkins, will be sharing God's Word at our morning worship service at 10.30am. |
A Date for your Diary
We have a baptismal service on Saturday 8th March at 3pm. Everyone very welcome to join us.