Berwick Baptist Church

...a safe place to grow together in love for God, others and the world

This Coming Week





The Monday Life Group meets in the Snug at 7pm. All welcome.





Our Prayer Meeting takes place in the Snug from 10am - 11am.





The Tuesday Life Group meets in the Snug at 11.15am.





The Men's Group will be a walk, followed by a visit to a coffee shop. Please meet at the church at 10am.




The Friendship Zone is held in the Snug from 10am - 12 noon.  All welcome to come along for a cuppa and chat, or to play games.





The Wednesday Life Group meets in the home of Paul & Linda at 5.30pm.





The Well-Being Art Group takes place in the Golden Square Community Hub from 10am - 12 noon.  All welcome.




The Alpha Course meets in the Hub at 6.45pm for those who would like to explore the Christian Faith.


Next Sunday

Our Pastor, John Hodgkins, will be sharing God's Word at our morning worship service at 10.30am.

A Date for your Diary

We have a baptismal service on Saturday 8th March at 3pm.  Everyone very welcome to join us.