Berwick Baptist Church

...a safe place to grow together in love for God, others and the world

Hire of  Premises

As a church, we are keen to be of benefit to our local community. 

Both the church building and church hall, known as the Golden Square Community Hub, are available to hire for one-off events or regular meetings.  Please note that any activities being held in either the church or Hub must be in line with the ethos of the church.

The Church Building


interior1  interior3

Please click HERE for more information

The Golden Square Community Hub

Hall interior2   Hall interior2

Hall interior3   hall kitchen1

hall kitchen2   hall toilet

Please click HERE for more information

Please note that we have no parking at the church or Hub.  Only dropping off and picking up is allowed.  The surrounding land is owned by our neighbours.

Please find our full Conditions for Use HERE